All About Trees
“If the forest should disappear, civilization would become extinguished on earth. It is the duty of an enlightened community to plant trees, and to so care for them that posterity shall not suffer… ”
Joseph Decaisne (1873). French botanist
Snake Oil is an old-school term for a cure-all potion, that in reality does nothing. If you are lucky the potion won’t make things worse but the...
Of the over 20 or so definitions of risk that exist by far the simplest is; the possibility of losing something of value. In terms of managing risk...
I have just spent the past two and a half days in the High Court; not as a cleaner or a criminal, but as an expert witness. I have provided evidence...
I’m not sure why, but work is all about roots at the moment – roots, roots and more roots; or fewer roots as the case may be, mainly because...
If you find yourself in Hawaii with some time to kill [April 30], pop along to the Sheraton, Waikiki and take in the Western Chapter Conference...
When a tree falls in a forest it makes a sound, we can be very sure about this – fibres snap and branches break, air is moved and energy released. ...
For the past few months I have been writing pruning specifications, or more correctly I have been removing pruning specifications. I’d love to say...
The tallest tree in New Zealand grows quietly in the Orokonui Ecosanctuary, just north of Dunedin. It (she), doesn’t have the grandeur or the mana...
Little by little until its gone – each bit seems like nothing, yet all the bits were something, and before you know it, it’s gone, finished, over;...
I bet builders hate home-renovation shows. They must cringe as DIY celebrities Buff and Fluff [skills not included] randomly wave power tools around...
As I write this, I’m flying back from the UK after attending the Arboricultural Association’s annual conference; Soil and Trees. It was a fantastic...
I love the fact that trees don’t read books and that the laws of nature don’t always seem to apply to nature. I love this, and to serve as a...