All About Trees
“If the forest should disappear, civilization would become extinguished on earth. It is the duty of an enlightened community to plant trees, and to so care for them that posterity shall not suffer… ”
Joseph Decaisne (1873). French botanist
Who would have thought the word ‘duff’ could have so many different meanings? I’ve just searched it on the internet and the international variations...
Many years ago, I met a horse whisperer. I was flying first-class and it was the first time I had been up-front during a long-haul flight. It was an...
I found myself needing to very accurately age some trees. The margin of error required for the work was plus or minus months, not give or take a few...
When I was a young arborist I did terrible things. Terrible, arboricultural things – I’ll keep this professional and not a self-indulgent personal...
I have been commissioned by my local City Council to create some Urban Monoliths. I’m not sure the title is correct; a monolith is a large single...
I came home the other day and two nice men were working on my neighbour’s hedge. I don’t know for sure that were nice men, I did not talk to them...
The line between social media and social networking can be a fine one. Once you press enter, and your comments appear in a group chat the...
A while back I gave a presentation on risk; ‘Risky Business – the business of risk.’ I was able to present it a few times and thoroughly...
Today I visited my favourite stub. Yes, A stub, not a pruning cut but a stub. I also got to try out my new rope wrench; its purple, so it...
Recently I was asked to review a unit of competency. When I say, ‘I was asked’ the ask was to industry, and when I say ‘industry’, it...
Tree or ‘crown shyness’ is where the uppermost branches of different trees in a forest canopy avoid touching one another. This stand-offish...
As an arborist, I thought that I had a fairly good understanding of life and death – a dead dog is a dead dog, rabbits exist in two states (alive or...