Lasting memories

Trees symbolize strength, life, and continuity. They are perfect memorials for those we hold dear or events we wish to remember. As a result, an entire industry is dedicated to planting trees for remembrance. As clever marketing goes, the concept has been borrowed...

The oak-to-shark ratio

For quite some time I despaired at the public’s lack of knowledge of trees. I failed to understand why they couldn’t tell one tree from the other. Just the common ones, I didn’t want everyone to be a closet dendrologist. I felt that it was reasonable for most people...

Botanical Provenance (2)

Botanical Provenance; Culture and origin Provenance (prɒv(ə)nəns) noun: the place of origin or earliest known history of something. With provenance comes authenticity, you know what it is, where it came from and where it’s been. When choosing plants it is important to...

The purpose of pets

It may surprise you because it definitely surprised me, that there are dozens of scientific studies on the differences between cat people and dog people. As in, actual peer-reviewed studies from reputable universities with articles published in credible magazines and...

Biological resilience – planting for the future

I’m not sure who first said, ‘the only constant, is change’, but whoever said it may have based the idea on plants. Plants, long-lived plants at least (trees) exist in a constant state of change. They can’t migrate or move, they sit where they have always sat, rooted...