by Mark Roberts | Mar 19, 2022 | Uncategorized
I first came across the term industrial athlete about twenty years ago. I’m not sure who invented it or how long it was in use before I saw it, but suddenly it was everywhere. Industrial athletes started popping out of the woodwork, they were everywhere too. There...
by Mark Roberts | Feb 7, 2022 | Uncategorized
I was inspired to write an article on what the customer wanted. Basically, I just wanted to vent. My current annoyance is the response, ‘it’s what the client wanted’. This is possibly one of the most pathetic excuses in the arborist phrasebook. Weak and feeble are...
by Mark Roberts | Jan 3, 2022 | Uncategorized
I have a friend who is a philosopher. A real philosopher, not some try hard YouTuber or dribbling drunk. She is a professor at the local university, her area of expertise is metaphysics and her subject is time. She is very good at her job and leaving her work at the...
by Mark Roberts | Sep 12, 2021 | Uncategorized
I secured a speaking spot at the World Urban Parks Asia-Pacific Congress last year before COVID took it away from all of us. As conferences go, the name was a bit of a mouthful. The timing was ideal as it started a day after the Asia-Pacific Tree Climbing...
by Mark Roberts | Jun 2, 2021 | How to, Trees, Uncategorized
I began my career as a horticulturist in the late 1980’s, it wasn’t intentional, it just kind of happened. In the 90’s I left the dirt and got into the trees and by the 2000’s I moved into education. During that time I had become involved in an American based...
by Mark Roberts | Dec 13, 2020 | Trees, Uncategorized
A journeyman is an old-school term for a worker who is skilled in a given trade, someone that had completed an apprenticeship but had not yet mastered their craft. A journeyman was someone who had spent enough time working on their craft to have gained a qualification...