Re-purposing trees?

If you find yourself in Hawaii with some time to kill [April 30], pop along to the Sheraton, Waikiki and take in the Western Chapter Conference – there is a great line-up of local and international speakers, and I’ll be there as well…  I get to give...

Can’t see the forest for the trees

Little by little until its gone – each bit seems like nothing, yet all the bits were something, and before you know it, it’s gone, finished, over; whatever it was – it is no longer there. Is this is the story of Auckland’s urban forest? The [Auckland] Tree Council...

A matter of judgment

I was lucky enough to be at this year’s International Tree Climbing Competition (ITCC) and witness team NZ win again. Even though I have seen it before I’ll never get tired of it – New Zealand winning or the ITCC. I was judging at this year’s competition which was a...

The myth of the urban forest (a)

Not being afraid to throw the proverbial cat at the pigeons, I have proposed a paper for the 2nd Asia Pacific Urban Forestry Meeting on why urban forests cannot exist…   The myth of the urban forest Abstract: Urban forests are not naturally occurring...

Granted knowledge?

There comes a point where you start to assume others know what you know. Not in a paranoid ‘they’re in my head’ kind of way, but simply because you take a piece of knowledge for granted. That knowledge ceases to be special to you, you know it, you have known it for so...